
Our privacy GDPR and imprint.

This directory contains out privacy-policy (GDPR; the General Data Protection Regulation ( (EU) 2016/679 ) is a regulation in European law on data protection and privacy in the EU.) and our imprint.

Do not use any images in the privacy-policy or imprint.


content/<Language>/privacy-policy/The base directory of the GDPR and imprint
content/<Language>/privacy-policy/gdpr/Contains the imprint
content/<Language>/privacy-policy/imprint/Contains the imprint

Create a New Privacy-Policy Page

To create a new page, use the command npm run create -- 'privacy-policy/<pageName>.md'. After that you can edit your newly created page, which is located in content/en/privacy-policy/<pageName>.md.


Create a new page foo:

$ npm run create -- 'privacy-policy/'

> [email protected] create
> exec-bin node_modules/.bin/hugo/hugo new "privacy-policy/"

Content "/home/username/path_to_repository/repository_root_directory/content/en/privacy-policy/" created

Front Matter

Every Markdown file contains a header section, called front matter, in the YAML format to configure parts of the page or website. A privacy-policy page needs the following variables in the front matter.
titlestrThe title of the page or ressource
descriptionstrThe page description, normally for SEO
datedatetimeThe datetime the page was created
lastmoddatetimeThe datetime the page was modified. Should be the same as date when the creating a new page
contributorslist of strA list of contributors
draftboolflase shows the page, true hides the page, as it does not exist
weightintThe weight, or priority of the page for page sorting
imageslist of strImages, which will be converted and moved to the static directory. Remember to add every image you used here
mathboolThis page contains LaTeX math. This option preloads the font and includes the KaTeX script in the script footer.
menustructureA structure which describes the path to the parent menu
tocbooltrue, when a table of content should be created for that site; false, when not
You will find a complete list and how to use them inside the site in the Hugo docs →

The Datetime Type

The date and time according to ISO 8601 . The following table shows the extended format specified in ISO 8601 we use for our website to specify, when e.g. a page was created or edited. It has three parts:

  • the date
  • the time, including it's designator T
  • the timezone offset
We would prefere if you would use your local time together with the timezone offset (in this case it is mandatory), but you can also enter the time in UTC without the timezone offset.
08NoDay of the month
TNoT is a designator, which indicates the start of the time representation
+ or -Yes+ for a positive or - a negative timezone offset
01YesTimezone offset in hours
02YesTimezone offset in minutes

Formatting Examples

The following example uses the values from the table to show the format. It does not use the actual UTC. If you are not using the timezone offset, you must calculate UTC yourself.

  • Example with timezone offset: 2021-07-08T12:34:56+01:02
  • Example without timezone offset: 2021-07-08T12:34:56

Header Example

Remember, the front matter is a YAML structure embedded into the Markdown file. The --- delimiters signal Hugo that this is a front matter in the YAML format. Here is a generated example, how the front matter might look like:

title: "MyTitle"
description: "A description of the page content"
date: 2021-10-08T14:48:42+01:00
lastmod: 2021-10-08T14:48:42+01:00
contributors: ["UserA" "UserB" "UserC"]
draft: false
weight: 50
images: ["avatar.svg" "foo.svg" "bar.svg"]
math: true
menu: [...]  # see below
toc: false# This is an example for a comment in YAML


The privacy-policy uses the default layout.

Coming Soon

This part of our new Website is not ready yet.

raise NotImplementedError("Stay Tuned")