
Contribute to our communtiy by improving our website.

You can contribute to our projects in two ways.

  • You can report defect or suggest enhancements
  • or solve issues, make changes or create content.

Either way, you start, by creating an issue in our issue tracker .

Create an Issue

Coming Soon

This part of our new Website is not ready yet.

raise NotImplementedError("Stay Tuned")

To standardize the way issues are created and to make that process easier, we have created issue templates, you only need to fill out.

Our issue templates are:

You choose the Defect template, when you want to report:

  • Bugs
  • Vulnerabilities
  • Rendering issues
  • or other problems

You choose the Enhancement template, when you want to suggest:

  • A new features
  • Functional changes
  • or any other improvements

You choose the Content - New template, when you want to create a new page. For example, you want to create a new:

  • Wiki page
  • Blog Post
  • Documentation Page

You choose the Content - Edit template, when you want to alter an existing new page.

  • by enhancing the wording,
  • adding more information,
  • fixing typos

Please fill out as much information as you can.

When you handed in an Issue, you can follow it’s status on that page. To understand our triage process, check out the triage process help page.

Help:Triage Process
How we handle issues and use GitLab labels.

Create an Merge Request

If you want to go the extra mile, and try to solve issues with us, then you want to create an Merge Request.


We use npm as package manager for the project which deals with most of the resources needed to work with and build the project. Unfortunately the following packages are still needed.

  • npm (Node.js)
  • git
  • git-lfs
  • An GitLab account.


Legal Warning

Every text and image you use must have been created or written by yourself!

By creating a Pull Request, you agree that the image or text may be used without any restriction for community projects under the direction of the moderation team at any time.

Non-compliance may have legal consequences and can lead to immediate exclusion from the community.

The first step in working with repositories is to get them on your device. But since you want to make changes, and integrate them in our repository, you need to fork the repository first. To do that, open our project in your web browser by clicking the following link.

Click on Fork 1 , as shown in the image below, to create an fork of the repository.

Fork the Repository

Fill out the form. The important settings are Namespace 1 , which should be set to your GitLab username and the Visibility level 2 which must be Public. If you like, you can change the Project slug to something else. The combination of the Project URL and the Project slug will be the URL, you can reach the project. In the image below the URL would be .

When you are done with the form click on the blue button Fork project 3 .

Fill out the form

After waiting a few seconds, the website should be forked, and you see the message “The project was successfully forked”. This will be your origin repository you make changes to.

The next step is to clone the website to your device. On the right side you find a blue button Clone 1 . Click on the button. A new popover will appear. In the popover, below “Clone with SSH”, click on the clipboard symbol 2 . This will copy the text left to it, “[email protected]:[…]”, in your devices clipboard.

Fill out the form

Now open a virtual terminal or a Powershell window and navigate to your preferred path, you want the to be cloned to. Clone the repository by writing git clone and pasting the text from your clipboard. It should now look something like git clone [email protected]:MichaelSasser/website.git. If you like, you prefer to give the local copy of your repository another name you can add that name as another positional argument. For example: git clone [email protected]:MichaelSasser/website.git mp-website. Press the enter key on your keyboard.

$ git clone [email protected]:MichaelSasser/website.git mp-website
Cloning into 'mp-website'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 5235, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2270/2270), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (733/733), done.
remote: Total 5235 (delta 1460), reused 2270 (delta 1460), pack-reused 2965
Receiving objects: 100% (5235/5235), 4.87 MiB | 7.77 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3153/3153), done.
Filtering content: 100% (38/38), 11.72 MiB | 2.79 MiB/s, done.

git is now cloning your repository.

If you left the name as it is, the newly created directory has the name you set in the slug, for example website. Otherwise, it has the name you gave it when you run git clone, like in the second example mp-website. In the following we refer to it as mp-website.

During the cloning step git-lfs might, or might not have also pull and populate the working copy with real content from Git LFS files. That usually depends on your ~/.gitconfig, the versions of git and git-lfs you use and sometimes even in which mood git is.

To check right away if git-lfs pulled the LFS content, navigate to your repository’s directory with cd mp-website and check what is inside an image. For example the image ./static/android-chrome-192x192.png.

$ cat static/android-chrome-192x192.png
oid sha256:2178ba28946659c01455efca2171be2ab77afafbf052ee83f567a2f283007fc4
size 23505

If the output of the command looked something like this and not like your virtual terminal needs an exorcism, git-lfs is either not installed or it did not clone and populate the LFS content in the repository. If your virtual terminal shows gibberish, git-lfs is installed and it did populate the LFS content. You can get rid of the weird stuff in the terminal by running reset. Just type it and press enter.

If you didn’t need an exorcist for your terminal, you need to tell git-lfs to pull the LFS content and populate it. Run:

# Ensure git hooks are set-up
$ git-lfs install
Updated Git hooks.
Git LFS initialized.

# Pull the LFS content and populate the working copy with actual content
$ git-lfs pull
Downloading LFS objects: 100% (38/38), 12 MB | 4.0 MB/s

When your shell responded with something like zsh: command not found: git-lfs. you need to install git-lfs first.

Now it is time to install the dependencies with npm. Make sure you are in at the project root (the mp-website directory) and run:

$ npm install

> matrixpython/[email protected] postinstall
> hugo-installer --version otherDependencies.hugo --extended --destination node_modules/.bin/hugo

Hugo Installer

> Checking for existing binary
> Downloading binary from ""
> Downloading checksum from ""
> Verifying binary checksum
> Extracting binary to disk
> Verifying binary health

Hugo is now available in "node_modules/.bin/hugo".

- Version       0.101.0
- Extended      Yes
- OS            linux
- Architecture  x64

hugo v0.101.0-466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2022-06-16T07:09:16Z VendorInfo=gohugoio


added 620 packages, and audited 621 packages in 27s

93 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

Yes, you just installed 600+ packages into the ./node_modules/ of the project root. But don’t be shocked. In the JavaScript world, packages might just be a couple of lines of code. This is pretty normal. Most of the packages are dependencies of dependencies and sometimes those in different versions. Nothing to worry about. You see, this ain’t Python.

Now everything should be set-up correctly and you can start implementing features or resolving issues.

If you want to implement a feature, which currently has no open issue, you are required to create one yourself, before you can continue. We don’t accept any merge requests without an issues. At the beginning of the page, is described you can create an issue .

In this little tutorial, we assume, an issue already exists, we want to resolve. As issue, we use the one from the issue tutorial TBD:

Coming Soon

This part of our new Website is not ready yet.

raise NotImplementedError("Stay Tuned")
$ npm run dev

> matrixpython/[email protected] dev
> exec-bin node_modules/.bin/hugo/hugo server --bind= --disableFastRender --gc

Start building sites …
hugo v0.101.0-466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2022-06-16T07:09:16Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

                   | EN
  Pages            | 258
  Paginator pages  |  14
  Non-page files   |  41
  Static files     |  80
  Processed images | 200
  Aliases          |  57
  Sitemaps         |   1
  Cleaned          |   0

Built in 15318 ms
Watching for changes in /home/michael/myrepos/mp-website/{archetypes,assets,babel.config.js,content,data,i18n,layouts,node_modules,package.json,static}
Watching for config changes in /home/michael/myrepos/mp-website/config/_default, /home/michael/myrepos/mp-website/config/_default/menus, /home/michael/myrepos/mp-website/config/development, /home/michael/myrepos/mp-website/config/development/menus
Environment: "development"
Serving pages from memory
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop
$ npm run lint

> matrixpython/[email protected] lint
> npm run -s lint:scripts && npm run -s lint:styles && npm run -s lint:markdown

markdownlint-cli2 v0.5.1 (markdownlint v0.26.2)
Finding: content/**/*.md !node_modules !
Linting: 113 file(s)
Summary: 0 error(s)
$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
 modified:   .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
$ git commit -m "feat(shortcode): Add dot shortcode"

[main 9465880] feat(shortcode): Add dot shortcode
 6 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 assets/scss/components/_shortcode_dot.scss
 create mode 100644 content/en/wiki/
 create mode 100644 layouts/shortcodes/dot.html
$ git push
Uploading LFS objects: 100% (3/3), 394 KB | 0 B/s, done.
Enumerating objects: 28, done.
Counting objects: 100% (28/28), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
Writing objects: 100% (17/17), 5.37 KiB | 785.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 17 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
   8ddcebb..801a7f5  main -> main
  • Add this repository as a remote named upstream.
  • Create a new branch from the main branch. Let’s say your issue was issue #42 and you want to create a feature. Your branch name would be feature/#42-my-feature.
  • Install the required tools with npm install and serve the website on your machine with npm run dev.
  • (Optional) Use ./utils/get_matrix_rooms <homeserver>, e.g. ./utils/get_matrix_rooms to render the user counter and activate some features.
  • (Optional) Use ./utils/get_matrix_users <homeserver> <your matrix session token>, e.g. ./utils/get_matrix_users "asdfoobarbaz" to render the matrix user pills with avatars and activate some features.
  • (Moderators only) Pull in the internal documentation using: git clone [email protected]:matrixpython/website-internal.git content/en/internal. Access to this repository and the internal section are restricted.
  • Open the URL [http://localhost:1313](http://localhost:1313) in your web browser. You should now see the website.
  • Implement the feature (or bugfix) you described in your issue. The website in your browser will update as soon as you save the file you are editing.
  • Commit and publish your branch to your fork (origin).
  • Create a Pull Request from the branch, which contains your changes to this repository’s master branch.
  • Once the pull request is reviewed and merged, you can pull the changes from upstream (this repository) to your local repository and start over again from step 5. Don’t forget to create an issue first.
Before you continue, make sure to read our Code of Conduct.

We recommend to use the GLab - GitLab CLI tool .

About the Website

The repository has one branch with infinite lifetime:

  • The main branch – the website reflects the current state of the main branch. When it gets changed, GitLab CI automatically builds and deploys the website.

When you are working with the repo, make sure to follow the GitLab flow .

The Website is built with Hugo and based on the lovely template Doks , by Henk “h-enk” Verlinde . You will find useful information you may need in their documentation , code or discussions of the Doks template. Please keep in mind, their discussions and issues are for the template they made and not for our project.





TBD: wrong repo / ssh pubkey not added to gl / no ssh pub key

Cloning into 'mp-website'...
Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

TBD: install git-lfs

If the output of the following command looks something like that and not like that:

$ cd /path/to/your/repo
$ cat static/android-chrome-192x192.png
oid sha256:2178ba28946659c01455efca2171be2ab77afafbf052ee83f567a2f283007fc4
size 23505

and not like your virtual terminal needs an exorcism, git-lfs is not, or at least was not installed, at the time, you cloned your repository. (If your virtual terminal shows gibberish, you can fix is by running reset)

$ git-lfs install
Updated Git hooks.
Git LFS initialized.
$ git-lfs pull
Downloading LFS objects: 100% (38/38), 12 MB | 4.0 MB/s